LinkedIn user profile page with the option to remove a connection

How to Remove Connections on LinkedIn

Managing your LinkedIn connections is essential to keep your network relevant and valuable. By regularly reviewing and updating your connections, you ensure that your network reflects your current professional interests and goals. Removing inactive or irrelevant contacts helps you focus on meaningful relationships that can offer genuine opportunities.

Maintaining a relevant network boosts your professional credibility. It allows you to connect with people who share your interests and can contribute to your career growth. A well-managed network increases the chances of valuable interactions, job opportunities, and collaborations.

LinkedIn Connections

LinkedIn connections are categorized into three degrees, each representing the relationship’s proximity and interaction level.

1st-Degree Connections

1st-degree connections are people you are directly connected with on LinkedIn. These connections occur because you have either accepted their invitation to connect or they have accepted yours. With 1st-degree connections, you have full access to their profiles and can interact with them directly through LinkedIn’s messaging system. 

This direct communication is valuable for building and maintaining professional relationships, seeking advice, or collaborating on projects. Additionally, these connections can see your full profile and updates, making it easier to stay in touch and informed about each other’s professional activities.

2nd-Degree Connections

2nd-degree connections are individuals connected to your 1st-degree connections. While you do not have a direct relationship with them, you can see their profiles and the names of your mutual connections. This visibility allows you to explore potential networking opportunities, as you can request introductions or send connection requests to these individuals. 

However, direct messaging is not available unless they accept your connection request. Engaging with 2nd-degree connections is an effective way to expand your network strategically, as it leverages the trust and credibility of your existing relationships.

3rd-Degree Connections

3rd-degree connections are people connected to your 2nd-degree connections. These connections are more distant, and you have limited visibility of their profiles, typically seeing only their name, headline, and sometimes a portion of their profile. You can send them connection requests if their settings allow it. 

But you cannot message them directly unless they accept your request. Engaging with 3rd-degree connections can be challenging due to the limited initial visibility, but it can still be beneficial for expanding your network into new industries or geographies.

Reasons for Removing Connections

Removing connections on LinkedIn is a strategic decision that can help maintain the quality and relevance of your network.

  1. Irrelevant Connections: Sometimes, connections become irrelevant due to changes in your career or interests. If a connection no longer aligns with your professional goals or industry, it might be beneficial to remove them. This helps keep your network focused and pertinent to your current career path.
  2. Inactive Accounts: Connections who are no longer active on LinkedIn add little value to your network. If you notice that a connection hasn’t engaged on LinkedIn for a long time, removing it can help streamline your contacts and make room for more active and useful connections.
  3. Spam or Unwanted Messages: If a connection frequently sends spam or irrelevant messages, it can be disruptive and annoying. Removing such connections can help maintain a more professional and respectful network, ensuring that your LinkedIn experience remains positive and productive.
  4. Redundant Connections: Having multiple connections with similar profiles or roles can be redundant. Removing redundant connections helps declutter your network, making it easier to identify and engage with unique and valuable contacts.
  5. Job Change: When you change jobs or industries, some of your previous connections might no longer be relevant. Removing these connections can help you build a network that aligns better with your new career direction.
  6. Quality over Quantity: Focusing on the quality of your connections rather than the quantity is important. Removing less meaningful connections helps you concentrate on building strong, valuable relationships that can contribute to your professional growth.

A step-by-step guide to removing connections

Removing a connection on LinkedIn is a straightforward process.

Step#1 Accessing Your Connections List

First, log in to LinkedIn using your credentials. Once you are on the homepage, locate and click on the ‘My Network’ icon at the top of the page. This will take you to a section where you can manage your network. Under the ‘Manage my network’ section, click on ‘Connections’ to view your full list of LinkedIn connections. This list is where you will find and manage all your existing connections.

Step#2 Finding the Connection to Remove

In the ‘Connections’ section, use the search bar at the top of the page to type in the name of the connection you want to remove. This feature helps you quickly locate specific individuals within your extensive list of connections. Once you have typed in the name, scroll through the search results or list to find the specific person you are looking for.

Step#3 Removing a Connection

Once you have found the connection you want to remove, click on their name to open their LinkedIn profile. On their profile page, locate the ‘More’ button, which is situated below their profile picture and headline. Click on this button to reveal a dropdown menu. From this menu, select ‘Remove connection’. A confirmation pop-up will appear, asking you to confirm the removal. Click ‘Remove’ to finalize the process.

Step#4 Post-Removal Options

After removing a connection, you might want to review your other connections to see if there are any more that should be removed or updated. This can be a good time to manage and organize your network, ensuring it stays relevant and valuable. Additionally, consider adding new connections that align more closely with your current professional goals or engage with existing ones to keep your network active.

Mobile App Instructions

If you prefer using the LinkedIn mobile app, open it and login if needed. Tap on the ‘My Network’ icon at the bottom of the screen, then tap on ‘Connections’ at the top to view your full list. Use the search bar or scroll to find the connection you want to remove and tap on their name to open their profile. Tap the three dots (the ‘More’ icon) in the top right corner of their profile, select ‘Remove connection’, and confirm the removal when prompted.

Managing Your LinkedIn Network

Managing your LinkedIn network is important for maintaining a professional online presence. Regularly review your connections to ensure they are relevant to your career goals. Remove inactive or irrelevant contacts to keep your network focused and valuable.

Engage with your connections by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts. This helps you stay visible and build stronger relationships. Actively participating in your network keeps you informed about industry trends and updates.

Continuously add new connections that align with your career interests. Send personalized connection requests to people you meet at events or online. A diverse and relevant network can open up new opportunities for you.

Keep your LinkedIn profile updated with your latest skills, experiences, and achievements. Share valuable content regularly to engage your network and showcase your expertise. By following these simple steps, you can effectively manage your LinkedIn network and enhance your professional growth.


Q. Can a Connection Know if I Remove Them on LinkedIn?

No, LinkedIn does not notify connections when you remove them from your network. The removal is private and does not generate a notification to the person.

Q. Should I Send a Message When I Remove a Connection?

It’s not necessary, but you can if you want to explain your reasons politely. LinkedIn doesn’t provide a specific feature for notifying connections when you remove them.

Q. Can I Restore a Connection After Removing Them?

Yes, you can send them a new connection request if they haven’t blocked you. They will have the option to accept or decline your request.

Q. Will Removing Connections Affect My LinkedIn Account in Any Way?

No, removing connections won’t negatively impact your account. It’s a personal choice to manage your network effectively.

Q. How Often Should I Review and Remove Connections on LinkedIn?

It depends on your networking goals. Some people review their connections quarterly or yearly to ensure relevance. Adjust based on your network’s growth and changes in your career.


Managing your LinkedIn connections is essential for maintaining a focused and effective professional network. By regularly reviewing and removing connections that are no longer relevant or active, you ensure that your network remains valuable and aligned with your career goals.

Removing a connection on LinkedIn is a private action and does not notify the person. It’s a personal decision aimed at optimizing your network’s quality rather than quantity. After removing connections, consider updating your profile and engaging with remaining connections to foster meaningful relationships.