LinkedIn network section displaying a list of pending connection requests

How to See Pending Connections on LinkedIn

Pending connections on LinkedIn are requests from other LinkedIn users who want to connect with you professionally. They appear as notifications on your LinkedIn profile under the “My Network” tab. Managing these requests is crucial because it allows you to control who you connect with and build your professional network wisely.

It’s important to manage pending connections because it reflects your networking strategy and professional image. By accepting relevant requests, you expand your network with people who can offer opportunities, information, or collaborations. Declining or ignoring irrelevant requests helps maintain the quality and relevance of your network.

Accessing Your Pending Connections

By following these detailed steps, you can easily access and manage your pending connections on LinkedIn.

  • Log into LinkedIn: Open your web browser and go to or launch the LinkedIn app on your mobile device. Log in with your LinkedIn credentials (email address and password).
  • Get over to Your Profile: Once logged in, click on your profile picture or your name at the top right corner of the LinkedIn homepage. This action will take you to your LinkedIn profile page.
  • Go to “My Network” Tab: Look for the “My Network” tab in the top navigation bar of your LinkedIn profile page. It’s typically located between “Home” and “Jobs”. Click on “My Network” to proceed.
  • View Pending Connections: On the “My Network” page, you will find several sections such as “Connections,” “People You May Know,” and “Pending Invitations.” Locate and click on “Pending Invitations” or a similar option. This section displays all the connection requests that other LinkedIn users have sent to you.
  • Manage Pending Requests: In the “Pending Invitations” section, you can see a list of LinkedIn users who have requested to connect with you. Each request typically includes the person’s name, headline, and a brief note (if provided). You can review each request individually and take action by clicking on “Accept” to connect, “Ignore” to decline, or “More” to access additional options like hiding the request or reporting it if it seems inappropriate.

Viewing Pending Connections

To begin, log into your LinkedIn account using your email and password on Once logged in, click on your profile picture or your name at the top right of the LinkedIn homepage. This action will take you directly to your LinkedIn profile page.

Next, navigate to the “My Network” tab located between “Home” and “Jobs” in the top navigation bar. Click on it to access your networking dashboard. Inside the “My Network” section, look for “Connections” or “Pending Invitations.” Click on “Pending Invitations” to see a list of people who have sent you connection requests.

You’ll find each request includes the person’s name, their job title, and any message they’ve sent along with the request. Review each request carefully. You can choose to accept a request to connect, ignore it if you’re not interested, or take other actions like hiding or reporting the request if needed.

Managing Pending Connections

Managing pending connections on LinkedIn is crucial for cultivating a robust professional network. 

  1. Access Your Pending Invitations: Start by logging into LinkedIn and navigating to your profile. Click on the “My Network” tab and select “Pending Invitations” to view all the connection requests awaiting your response.
  2. Review Each Request: Take time to review each pending request individually. Look at the sender’s profile details, including their name, job title, and any personalized message they’ve included. Consider how connecting with them could benefit your professional network.
  3. Take Action: Decide whether to accept, ignore, or use other options. Click “Accept” to connect with someone relevant to your professional goals. Click “Ignore” if you don’t recognize the sender or if the request doesn’t align with your networking objectives.
  4. Additional Options: LinkedIn offers additional actions such as hiding a request temporarily if you need more time to decide, or reporting it if you suspect spam or inappropriate content.
  5. Maintain Your Network: Regularly manage your pending connections to ensure your LinkedIn network remains relevant and supportive of your career aspirations. Building connections with professionals in your industry can lead to valuable opportunities, collaborations, and insights.

Strategies for Handling Pending Connections

By implementing these detailed strategies, you can effectively navigate and manage your pending connections on LinkedIn.

1. Align with Your Goals and Interests

Before accepting or declining a request, assess whether the person’s profile aligns with your professional goals, industry interests, or career aspirations. Look for connections that can contribute to your industry knowledge, career growth, or potential collaborations.

2. Personalize Your Approach

When accepting requests, consider sending a personalized message to initiate a conversation or express common interests. This personal touch can strengthen the connection and open opportunities for meaningful interaction. Share why you’re interested in connecting and how you can potentially add value to each other’s networks.

3. Quality Over Quantity

Focus on building a network of meaningful connections rather than accepting every request. Quality connections are more likely to offer valuable insights, collaborations, or job opportunities. Prioritize connections with individuals who are active in your field, share relevant content, or have mutual connections.

4. Regular Review and Management

Set aside dedicated time regularly to review and manage pending requests. This ensures your network remains relevant and aligned with your current professional objectives. By staying proactive, you can keep your network dynamic and responsive to changes in your career path or industry trends.

5. Respectful Declination

It’s acceptable to decline requests that don’t align with your goals or where you lack familiarity with the sender. Be polite and considerate in your responses, acknowledging the request and thanking them for their interest. This approach helps maintain professionalism and positive networking etiquette.

6. Engagement and Follow-Up

After accepting a connection, engage with your network by liking, commenting, or sharing their posts. This active participation not only keeps your connections engaged but also demonstrates your interest in their professional updates and achievements. Follow up with messages or invitations to connect offline, such as through virtual coffee meetings or industry events, to deepen relationships over time.


Q. How do I know if someone declined my connection request?

LinkedIn does not notify you if someone declines your connection request. If your request is ignored, it will remain in the “Sent” section of your invitations.

Q. Can I cancel a connection request I’ve sent?

Yes, you can cancel a connection request. Go to the “My Network” tab, click on “Manage,” and then “Sent” to find and withdraw the request.

Q. Is there a limit to how many connection requests I can send?

LinkedIn has a weekly limit on the number of connection requests you can send to prevent spam. The exact number can vary, but it’s typically around 100 requests per week.

Q. What happens if I ignore a connection request?

Ignoring a connection request means it will remain in your pending invitations until you decide to accept or decline it later.

Q. Can I send a message with my connection request?

Yes, LinkedIn allows you to add a personalized note of up to 300 characters when you send a connection request. This can help explain why you want to connect.


Managing your pending connections on LinkedIn is an important part of building a strong professional network. By regularly checking and handling your pending requests, you ensure that your network stays relevant and beneficial to your career. Following simple steps like accessing the “My Network” tab and reviewing each request helps you keep your connections organized and meaningful.

Taking the time to align your connections with your professional goals, personalizing your approach, and prioritizing quality over quantity will enhance your networking experience. Engaging with your connections after accepting their requests can lead to valuable opportunities and collaborations.