Connections of linkedin

How Many Connections on LinkedIn per Week

Networking on LinkedIn is crucial for professional growth. It helps you connect with industry leaders, potential employers, and colleagues. These connections can lead to job opportunities, partnerships, and valuable advice. A strong network also boosts your visibility and credibility in your field. LinkedIn allows you to showcase your skills and achievements, making it easier for others to recognize your expertise.

This article aims to guide you on how many LinkedIn connections to add each week. It provides practical tips to help you grow your network effectively. By following the advice in this article, you can strike a balance between quality and quantity in your connections. This will ensure that your LinkedIn network is both valuable and relevant to your professional goals.

Understanding LinkedIn Connections

LinkedIn connections are professional relationships formed on the platform. There are three types of connections.

  1. First-Degree Connections: These are people you are directly connected to. You have accepted their connection request or they have accepted yours. You can message them directly. These connections form the core of your LinkedIn network, providing immediate access to their posts and updates.
  2. Second-Degree Connections: These are people who are connected to your first-degree connections. You can send them a connection request or an InMail if you have a premium account. They expand your network’s reach, making it easier to discover and engage with new professionals.
  3. Third-Degree Connections: These are people connected to your second-degree connections. You can see limited information about them and may send a connection request if their full profile is visible. They represent potential future connections, helping you gradually broaden your professional circle.

Benefits of LinkedIn connections

  • Networking Opportunities: It opens doors to meet professionals in your industry. This can lead to collaborations, mentorships, and knowledge-sharing.
  • Increased Visibility: More connections mean more people can see your posts and profile. This boosts your online presence and can attract more opportunities.
  • Access to Information: You can stay updated on industry trends and insights shared by your network. Engaging with this content can keep you informed and ahead in your field.
  • Professional Growth: You can receive advice, mentorship, and support from experienced professionals. These interactions can help you develop new skills and advance your career.
  • Job Opportunities: Many jobs are filled through networking rather than traditional job applications. A robust network can lead to job offers and recommendations, often before they are publicly advertised.

Optimal Number of Connections Per Week

Determining the optimal number of LinkedIn connections to add each week can vary based on individual goals and industry standards. However, a general recommendation is to aim for 10-20 new connections per week. This pace allows you to steadily grow your network without overwhelming your ability to engage meaningfully with new contacts.

Sending 10-20 connection requests per week strikes a balance between expansion and quality. This number is manageable, enabling you to personalize each request, which increases the likelihood of acceptance. Personalizing your connection requests can lead to more meaningful interactions and a higher acceptance rate.

2. Balancing Quality and Quantity

It’s important to prioritize the quality of connections over sheer quantity. Focus on connecting with individuals who are relevant to your industry or career goals. Quality connections are more likely to provide valuable insights, opportunities, and engagement. By maintaining a steady yet thoughtful approach, you can build a network that supports your professional growth effectively.

Factors Influencing Connection Rates

Several factors can influence the rate at which your LinkedIn connection requests are accepted. Understanding these factors can help you optimize your approach and improve your connection success.

1. Industry and Profession

Different industries and professions have varying norms and expectations regarding LinkedIn networking. For example, tech and marketing professionals often have higher connection rates due to the collaborative nature of their fields. Conversely, more traditional industries might see slower growth in connections. Knowing your industry’s networking culture can help you tailor your connection strategy accordingly.

2. Profile Completeness and Activity

A complete and active LinkedIn profile significantly boosts your connection rates. Ensure your profile is fully filled out with a professional photo, detailed work experience, and relevant skills. Regularly posting updates, sharing industry news, and engaging with others’ content can make your profile more attractive to potential connections. Active profiles are perceived as more credible and engaging, increasing the likelihood of connection requests being accepted.

3. Engagement with Content

Regular engagement with LinkedIn content also affects connection rates. Commenting on posts, participating in discussions, and sharing valuable insights make you more visible and appealing to potential connections. High engagement levels demonstrate that you are active and invested in the platform, which can encourage others to connect with you. Engaging with content from your target connections can also put you on their radar, making them more likely to accept your request.

Best Practices for Sending Connection Requests

Sending connection requests on LinkedIn requires a thoughtful approach to ensure high acceptance rates and meaningful professional relationships. 

1. Personalizing Connection Requests

Always personalize your connection requests. A generic request is less likely to be accepted compared to a personalized one. Mention how you know the person or why you want to connect. For example, reference a common industry, mutual connections, or a specific post they made that resonated with you. Personalization shows genuine interest and can significantly improve acceptance rates.

2. Timing and Frequency

Consider the timing and frequency of your connection requests. Avoid sending too many requests at once, as this can be perceived as spammy. Instead, spread out your requests throughout the week, aiming for 10-20 new connections per week. Also, pay attention to the times you send requests; sending them during business hours on weekdays might result in higher acceptance rates, as professionals are more active on LinkedIn during these times.

3. Follow-up Strategies

Follow up with new connections to build rapport and initiate meaningful interactions. After a connection is accepted, send a brief thank-you message and perhaps reference a topic of mutual interest. This can set the stage for a productive conversation. Additionally, engage with their posts and share relevant content to keep the relationship active and mutually beneficial.

Measuring Connection Success

To ensure your LinkedIn networking efforts are effective, it’s important to measure the success of your connection requests.

  • Acceptance Rate: Calculate the percentage of accepted connection requests. A high acceptance rate indicates that your approach is resonating with your target audience. To find this, divide the number of accepted requests by the total number of requests sent.
  • Engagement Rate: Monitor how often your new connections engage with your content. This includes likes, comments, and shares on your posts. High engagement suggests that your connections find your content valuable and relevant.
  • Message Response Rate: Track the responses to your follow-up messages after a connection is accepted. A good response rate indicates that your connections are open to interaction and further engagement.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When expanding your LinkedIn network, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes that can hinder your success.

1. Spamming Connection Requests

Sending too many connection requests in a short period can be perceived as spammy. LinkedIn may flag your account, and potential connections might be turned off by the aggressive approach. Instead, focus on sending a manageable number of well-thought-out requests each week (e.g., 10-20), ensuring each one is personalized and relevant.

2. Ignoring Personalization

Generic connection requests are less likely to be accepted. Avoid using the default connection message provided by LinkedIn. Take the time to personalize each request by mentioning how you know the person, why you want to connect, or referring to something specific about their profile or recent activity. Personalization shows genuine interest and can significantly improve your acceptance rate.

3. Overlooking Engagement

Simply adding connections without engaging with them is a missed opportunity. Building a meaningful network requires active participation. Engage with your connections by liking, commenting on, and sharing their posts. Regular interaction keeps you visible and demonstrates that you value the relationship. Overlooking this can lead to a stagnant network with little to no interaction.

4. Neglecting Profile Optimization

An incomplete or outdated profile can deter potential connections. Ensure your LinkedIn profile is fully optimized with a professional photo, comprehensive work experience, and relevant skills. Regularly update your profile to reflect your current roles and achievements. A well-maintained profile makes a positive impression and increases the likelihood of connection requests being accepted.

5. Failing to Follow Up

After a connection request is accepted, failing to follow up with a message or interaction can result in missed opportunities for meaningful engagement. Send a brief thank-you message and mention a common interest or goal. Consistent follow-up fosters stronger professional relationships and can lead to valuable opportunities.


Q. How do I know if I’m sending too many connection requests?

If LinkedIn restricts your ability to send more requests or your acceptance rate drops, you may be sending too many. Aim for 10-20 requests per week.

Q. What should I do if my connection requests are frequently ignored?

Review your profile and personalize your requests more. Ensure your profile is complete and active to make a better impression.

Q. Is it okay to connect with people I don’t know personally?

Yes, but make sure to explain why you want to connect and how it can be mutually beneficial. Common interests or industry connections help.

Q. How can I remove unwanted connections?

Go to the person’s profile, click the “More” button, and select “Remove Connection.” They won’t be notified about the removal.

Q. What are LinkedIn’s limits on connection requests?

LinkedIn has limits to prevent spam. Free accounts can send up to 100 connection requests per week, while premium accounts may have higher limits.


The number of connections you make on LinkedIn each week should strike a balance between quantity and quality. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, aiming for 10-20 personalized connection requests per week is a good starting point. Quality connections, formed through thoughtful engagement and personalized requests, are more valuable than a large but unengaged network.

Remember to regularly evaluate your networking strategy and adjust it based on your goals and feedback. Pay attention to acceptance rates, engagement levels, and the relevance of your connections. By consistently nurturing your network and focusing on meaningful interactions, you can leverage LinkedIn to expand your professional opportunities, gain valuable insights, and build lasting relationships in your industry.