Make Your LinkedIn Private

How to Make Your LinkedIn Private

Privacy on LinkedIn is crucial as it helps control who can view your professional information and activities. It safeguards your details from unauthorized access, ensuring that only relevant parties, such as potential employers or professional contacts, can see your profile. By managing privacy settings effectively, you protect yourself from spam, unwanted solicitations, and potential identity theft.

LinkedIn offers various privacy settings that empower users to customize their profile visibility and control who can see their connections, activity updates, and contact details. Users can adjust settings for profile visibility, manage who can view their connections list, and choose what updates are broadcast to their network.

LinkedIn Privacy Settings

These settings allow LinkedIn users to tailor their privacy preferences according to their professional needs and personal comfort levels.

  1. Profile Visibility: LinkedIn users can control the visibility of their profile details such as their photo, headline, current position, education, and summary. They can choose to make these details visible to Everyone (public), only to their connections, or keep them completely private (Only you). This setting helps users manage who can learn about their professional background without compromising their privacy.
  2. Public Profile Settings: Users can customize their public profile URL to make it more personalized and professional. They can also decide what information non-LinkedIn members or search engines can see. This setting is useful for those who want to maintain a professional online presence while controlling the extent of information available to the public.
  3. Activity Broadcasts: LinkedIn allows users to manage how their activities are broadcasted to their network. This includes updates such as profile changes, new connections, and interactions with posts. Users can choose whether to share these activities broadly or limit their visibility, depending on their networking preferences and privacy concerns.
  4. Who Can See Your Connections: Users have the option to control who can see their list of connections. They can choose to make their connections visible to their network (1st-degree connections), only to themselves, or keep the list completely private. This setting helps users maintain confidentiality about their professional relationships and networks.
  5. Blocking and Hiding: LinkedIn offers robust options for blocking and hiding features. Users can block specific individuals from viewing their profiles, sending messages, or connecting with them. They can also hide specific activities, such as comments or likes on posts, from their network. These features provide users with control over their interactions and protect them from unwanted attention or spam.
  6. Notification Settings: Users can customize their notification preferences to manage how they receive updates and alerts from LinkedIn. This includes notifications for profile views, connection requests, messages, and other interactions. By adjusting these settings, users can stay informed about relevant activities while minimizing interruptions and maintaining a streamlined LinkedIn experience tailored to their needs.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your LinkedIn Private

Adjust Profile Visibility

To start, log in to your LinkedIn account and navigate to your profile by clicking on your profile picture or name. On your profile page, locate and click on “Edit public profile & URL” on the right-hand side. In the “Edit visibility” section, you will find options for who can view your profile information. 

You can choose from “Everyone” (which makes your profile visible to anyone, including search engines), “Your connections” (which restricts visibility to only your 1st-degree connections), or “Only you” (which keeps your profile completely private). Adjust these settings according to your comfort level and professional needs, as more restrictive settings enhance your privacy.

Customize Your Public Profile URL

While still in the “Edit public profile & URL” section, you have the option to customize your public profile URL. A personalized URL, such as, is more professional and easier to share. Click on the “Edit your custom URL” link and enter a custom name or variation of your name. This URL should not include sensitive information to maintain added privacy.

Manage Activity Broadcasts

To manage how your activities are broadcasted, go to the “Settings & Privacy” section by clicking on your profile picture and selecting “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu. Under the “Privacy” tab, find “Visibility” and then “Visibility of your LinkedIn activity.” Here, you can control which updates and activities are shared with your network. 

You can decide whether to share job changes, education updates, and work anniversaries with your network. Also, adjust the visibility of your posts, shares, and comments to either Everyone, Your network, or Only connections. Tailoring these settings helps manage your online presence and limit the visibility of your activities.

Control Who Can See Your Connections

In the “Settings & Privacy” section, navigate to “Privacy” and then to “Who can see your connections.” Here, you can select who can view your connections list. The options are to make your connections visible to your 1st-degree connections, keep the list private so only you can see it, or keep it completely hidden. This setting is useful for maintaining confidentiality about your professional relationships and network.

Block Unwanted Users

To block specific users who you wish to prevent from viewing your profile or interacting with you, go to the profile of the user you want to block. Click on the three dots (More) next to the “Message” button on their profile. Select “Report/Block” from the dropdown menu and follow the prompts to block the user. This action will prevent them from viewing your profile, sending you messages, or connecting with you.

Adjust Notification Settings

In the “Settings & Privacy” section, click on “Communications” and then “Notifications.” Here, you can customize your notification preferences for various activities. This includes notifications for profile views, connection requests, messages, and other interactions. Adjust these settings to manage how frequently you receive alerts from LinkedIn, helping to streamline your experience.

Review and Update Regularly

Finally, periodically review your privacy settings in the “Settings & Privacy” section. LinkedIn updates its interface and features, so staying informed ensures you maintain control over your profile’s privacy. Adjust your settings as needed to align with your evolving professional needs and privacy preferences, ensuring your profile remains secure and tailored to your preferences.


Q. Can I hide my LinkedIn profile from search engines?

Yes, you can adjust your public profile settings to prevent search engines from indexing your profile. Go to “Edit public profile & URL” and turn off the option to make your profile visible to search engines.

Q. How do I manage who can follow me on LinkedIn?

You can control who can follow you by adjusting the “Followers” settings in the “Settings & Privacy” section. Choose who can follow you, including everyone or just your connections.

Q. Can I hide my endorsements and recommendations?

Yes, you can manage who sees your endorsements and recommendations by adjusting your profile visibility settings. You can choose to make them visible to only your connections or hide them completely.

Q. How do I limit who can see my LinkedIn posts and updates?

When posting updates, you can choose the audience for each post. You can select options like “Connections only” or “Specific people” to control who sees your posts.

Q. What happens if I temporarily deactivate my LinkedIn account?

Deactivating your LinkedIn account makes your profile invisible to others, and they cannot find or interact with it. You can reactivate your account later to restore your profile and settings.


Making your LinkedIn profile private is essential for protecting your personal information and managing your professional image. By adjusting your profile visibility, customizing public profile settings, and controlling who can see your connections and activity, you can ensure that only the right people have access to your information. It’s important to regularly review these settings to keep your profile aligned with your privacy preferences.

Maintaining privacy on LinkedIn helps you avoid unwanted attention and safeguard your professional reputation. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a secure and controlled online presence that reflects your professional goals while keeping your details safe.