linkedin premium

How Much Is LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn Premium is a subscription service that enhances your LinkedIn experience. It offers advanced features not available with a free account. There are different plans tailored for job seekers, business professionals, salespeople, and recruiters.

The benefits of LinkedIn Premium include increased profile visibility, allowing you to stand out to employers and connections. You can send direct messages to people outside your network with InMail credits. Premium members have access to detailed insights on who views their profile. Additionally, it provides a vast library of courses through LinkedIn Learning to boost your skills. Premium users also receive enhanced job insights and applicant statistics, helping you apply to jobs more strategically.

LinkedIn Premium Plans

Each plan is structured to provide specific tools and resources to help users achieve their professional goals.

  1. Career Plan: Send InMail messages to people outside your network. See who viewed your profile and how they found you. Access a wide range of courses to enhance your skills. Get detailed information on job postings and applicant statistics.
  2. Business Plan: Stand out with an optimized profile and higher search rankings. Browse an unlimited number of profiles in your network. Gain access to company insights and industry trends. Utilize a broad selection of courses to develop business skills.
  3. Sales Navigator Plan: Use detailed filters to find potential leads. Receive tailored recommendations for potential clients. Access real-time sales insights and updates. Integrate with CRM tools to streamline sales processes.
  4. Recruiter Lite Plan: Utilize advanced search tools to find top candidates. Keep track of candidates with efficient management tools. Manage and organize your recruitment pipeline effectively. Receive alerts on potential candidates matching your job postings.

Pricing Details

These prices offer different levels of features and benefits to suit various professional needs, with annual subscriptions providing a discounted rate compared to monthly payments.

Monthly Subscription Costs

  • Career Plan: Approximately $29.99 per month.
  • Business Plan: Around $59.99 per month.
  • Sales Navigator Plan: Roughly $79.99 per month.
  • Recruiter Lite Plan: About $119.95 per month.

Annual Subscription Costs

  • Career Plan: Estimated at $239.88 per year ($19.99 per month).
  • Business Plan: Approximately $575.88 per year ($47.99 per month).
  • Sales Navigator Plan: Around $779.88 per year ($64.99 per month).
  • Recruiter Lite Plan: About $1,199.40 per year ($99.95 per month).

Features of LinkedIn Premium

Enhanced Profile Visibility

LinkedIn Premium offers enhanced profile visibility, helping you stand out in searches and job applications. It provides tips on optimizing your profile to ensure it appears in more searches and increases your chances of being discovered. 

As a Premium member, you can become a featured applicant on job listings, significantly improving your visibility to potential employers. Additionally, you can see who has viewed your profile and understand how they found you, giving you valuable insights into your audience. The Open Profile feature allows anyone on LinkedIn to message you for free, broadening your networking opportunities.

InMail Messaging

InMail Messaging is a key feature of LinkedIn Premium, allowing you to send messages to LinkedIn members outside your network. Each plan comes with a set number of InMail credits per month, which can be used to reach out directly to hiring managers, recruiters, and potential clients. 

Your messages receive priority placement, increasing the likelihood of being seen and responded to. This feature enables effective communication with key contacts, bypassing the limitations of standard connection requests and enhancing your networking and job search efforts.

Learning Opportunities

LinkedIn Learning is an integral part of LinkedIn Premium, providing access to a vast library of online courses covering various skills and industries. Premium members receive personalized course recommendations based on their career interests and profile, ensuring relevant and targeted learning opportunities. 

Completing these courses allows you to earn and display certificates on your profile, showcasing your new skills to potential employers and connections. Additionally, you can take skill assessments to validate your proficiency in specific areas, further enhancing your professional credibility.

Insights and Analytics

LinkedIn Premium provides detailed insights and analytics to help you make informed decisions about your career and networking. Profile insights offer detailed analytics on who views your profile and your job application stats, giving you a clear understanding of your audience and performance. 

Competitive insights allow you to see how you compare to other job applicants, helping you identify areas for improvement. You also gain access to detailed company data and industry trends, providing valuable context for your job search and professional growth. Job insights offer detailed information about job postings, including how you rank against other applicants, empowering you to apply more strategically.

Advanced Job Search Tools

Premium members benefit from advanced job search tools, including personalized job recommendations tailored to your profile and interests. Applicant insights provide detailed information on how you stack up against other applicants, helping you understand your competitive position. 

Access to salary insights allows you to view salary information for various positions and industries, aiding in your career planning and negotiations. Additionally, LinkedIn Premium offers tools and tips to prepare for job interviews, ensuring you are well-prepared and confident during the hiring process.

Who Should Consider LinkedIn Premium

Job Seekers

LinkedIn Premium is highly beneficial for job seekers who want to enhance their job search and stand out to potential employers. With features like InMail messaging, you can reach out directly to recruiters and hiring managers. The Career Plan offers insights into who views your profile and provides detailed analytics on job applications, helping you understand your competitive position. Access to LinkedIn Learning courses allows job seekers to develop new skills and earn certificates, making their profiles more attractive to employers.

Business Professionals

Business professionals looking to expand their network and business opportunities should consider LinkedIn Premium. The Business Plan provides unlimited profile browsing, business insights, and industry trends, helping you stay informed and make strategic decisions. Enhanced profile visibility and the ability to see who viewed your profile can lead to valuable connections and opportunities. Additionally, access to LinkedIn Learning enables continuous professional development, keeping your skills relevant and competitive in the market.

Sales Professionals

Sales professionals can greatly benefit from the Sales Navigator Plan, which offers advanced tools for lead generation and management. Features like advanced search filters, lead recommendations, and real-time sales insights help you identify and connect with potential clients effectively. The ability to integrate with CRM tools streamlines your sales process, making it easier to manage leads and track interactions. These features enhance your ability to build and maintain relationships with clients, ultimately driving sales growth.


Recruiters who need robust candidate search and management tools will find the Recruiter Lite Plan invaluable. It includes advanced search capabilities, allowing you to find top candidates efficiently. Candidate tracking and recruitment pipeline management tools help you organize and manage your recruitment efforts effectively. Alerts on potential candidates matching your job postings ensure you stay updated on the best talent available. These features streamline the recruitment process, making it easier to find and hire the right candidates.

Free vs. Premium What’s the Difference?

The free version of LinkedIn provides basic networking and job search capabilities. LinkedIn Premium offers enhanced features and tools that are essential for professionals looking to maximize their LinkedIn experience, whether it’s for job hunting, business networking, or professional development.

Profile Visibility

  • Free: Limited profile visibility within search results and suggestions.
  • Premium: Enhanced profile visibility with optimized profiles, higher search rankings, and the ability to see who viewed your profile.


  • Free: Limited messaging capabilities, often restricted to connections only.
  • Premium: InMail messaging allows you to reach out to anyone on LinkedIn, even if they are not in your network. This feature is invaluable for networking and job searching.

Learning Resources

  • Free: Limited access to LinkedIn Learning courses.
  • Premium: Full access to LinkedIn Learning’s vast library of courses covering a wide range of topics. Premium members receive personalized course recommendations based on their career goals and interests.

Insights and Analytics

  • Free: Basic insights on who viewed your profile and limited job application statistics.
  • Premium: Detailed insights and analytics provide deeper understanding of profile views, job application metrics, and competitive positioning. This information is invaluable for job seekers and professionals seeking to optimize their presence on LinkedIn.

Job Search Tools

  • Free: Basic job search functionality with limited filters and insights.
  • Premium: Advanced job search tools offer personalized job recommendations, applicant insights, and salary information. Premium members also receive priority placement in job applications, increasing their visibility to recruiters.

Is LinkedIn Premium Worth It?

Deciding if LinkedIn Premium is worth it boils down to what you want from the platform. If you’re looking to connect with more people or find new job opportunities, Premium can be helpful. It gives you more chances to reach out to others and makes your profile more visible, which could lead to more job interviews or business opportunities.

LinkedIn Premium offers a library full of courses for people eager to learn new skills. These can help you grow professionally and stand out to potential employers. Plus, Premium gives you insights into who’s looking at your profile and how they found you, as well as data on job applications. These details can help you understand what’s working and what you might need to change to boost your chances of success.


The cost of LinkedIn Premium varies depending on the plan you choose and whether you opt for monthly or annual subscriptions. While it may seem like an additional expense, the benefits it offers can be significant for professionals seeking to advance their careers or expand their networks.

With features like enhanced profile visibility, InMail messaging, access to LinkedIn Learning, and detailed insights and analytics, LinkedIn Premium provides valuable tools for job seekers, business professionals, salespeople, and recruiters. These tools can help you stand out in a competitive job market, connect with potential clients, and stay ahead in your industry.