Get a LinkedIn URL

How to Get a LinkedIn URL

Your LinkedIn Profile URL is like your online business card. It helps others find you quickly on LinkedIn. A clear URL makes your profile look professional and organized. It shows that you take your online presence seriously.

Sharing your LinkedIn URL makes it easy for people to connect with you. Include it in your email signature, resume, and social media profiles. This helps potential employers, clients, and colleagues find and learn about you. A shared URL can lead to job opportunities, professional connections, and increased visibility in your industry.

Accessing Your LinkedIn Profile

Launch your preferred web browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge). In the address bar, type and press Enter. On the LinkedIn homepage, you’ll see fields to enter your email address or phone number and your password.

Type the email address or phone number associated with your LinkedIn account. Enter your password. If you’ve forgotten it, click “Forgot password?” to reset it. After entering your credentials, click the blue “Sign In” button. You will be redirected to your LinkedIn homepage if your login details are correct.

After logging in, look at the top of the LinkedIn homepage. You’ll see several icons and options. On the right side of the top navigation bar, find your profile picture and name. Clicking on either will take you to your profile. This is a small circular image of your profile photo. Your name will be displayed next to your profile picture.

Clicking on your profile picture or name will open your profile page, where you can view and edit your professional information, such as your headline, summary, work experience, and more. Open the LinkedIn app on your device. Tap your profile picture in the top left corner or tap your name in the menu to access your profile.

Finding Your LinkedIn URL

By following these steps, you can easily find and copy your LinkedIn profile URL, making it ready to share with others.

1. Desktop Instructions

  • Log into LinkedIn: Open your web browser, go to, and sign in with your credentials.
  • Go to Your Profile: Click on your profile picture or your name in the top navigation bar to go to your profile page.
  • View Profile URL: Once on your profile page, look at the address bar at the top of your browser. The URL displayed is your LinkedIn profile URL. It typically looks something like
  • Copy the URL: Highlight the URL in the address bar, right-click, and select “Copy,” or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (Mac).

2. Mobile App Instructions

  • Open the LinkedIn App: Launch the LinkedIn app on your mobile device.
  • Log into Your Account: If you aren’t already logged in, enter your email address and password, then tap “Sign In”.
  • Access Your Profile: Tap your profile picture or your name at the top left of the screen to go to your profile.
  • Find Your URL: Tap the “More” button (three dots) located near the top right of your profile. In the menu that appears, select “Copy Link to Profile.” Your LinkedIn profile URL will be copied to your clipboard.

Customizing Your LinkedIn URL

A customized LinkedIn URL looks cleaner and more professional than the default one, which often includes random numbers and letters. A personalized URL is easier to remember and share with others. If you use the same handle across different social media platforms, customizing your LinkedIn URL helps maintain consistency. A customized URL can make it easier for people to find your profile when they search for you online.

1. Steps to Customize on Desktop

  1. Open your web browser, go to, and sign in with your credentials.
  2. Click on your profile picture or your name in the top navigation bar to access your profile page.
  3. On the right-hand side of your profile page, you will see an option that says “Edit public profile & URL.” Click on this link.
  4. On the right side of the new page, under “Edit your custom URL,” click the pencil icon next to your current URL.
  5. Type your desired URL. It can include your name or a variation that is available. For example,
  6. After entering your new URL, click “Save.” If the URL is available, it will be updated immediately.

2. Steps to Customize on Mobile

  1. Launch the LinkedIn app on your mobile device.
  2. If you aren’t already logged in, enter your email address and password, then tap “Sign In”.
  3. Tap your profile picture or your name at the top left of the screen to go to your profile.
  4. Tap the gear icon or “Settings” option in your profile menu.
  5. Look for the section labeled “Edit public profile & URL” and tap it. 
  6. Tap the pencil icon next to your current URL. Enter your desired URL and save the changes.

Sharing Your LinkedIn URL

When you send emails, you can show your LinkedIn profile by adding your profile link to your email signature. Just go to your email settings, find where you can edit your signature, and type a short message like “Connect with me on LinkedIn:” followed by your profile link. Once you’ve added it, save your changes, and it will appear at the end of every email you send.

1. Including in Your Resume

In your resume, it’s good to include your LinkedIn profile link so that employers can easily learn more about you. You can put it near your contact information. You can use the LinkedIn icon or write “LinkedIn:” followed by your link. Make sure it’s clickable and looks neat. Before sending or printing your resume, double-check to make sure the link is correct.

2. Sharing on Social Media Platforms

You can also share your LinkedIn profile link on other social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Add it to your bio or “About” section so that people can connect with you professionally. On LinkedIn itself, make sure your profile is updated with your latest experiences and achievements. Share interesting posts and connect with others to expand your network.

3. Tips for Effective Sharing

Keep your LinkedIn URL the same across all platforms so people can easily find you. Make sure it’s easy to see on your resume, email signature, and social media profiles. Keep your LinkedIn profile updated with your latest information. And most importantly, engage with your connections by sharing useful content and interacting with their posts. This way, you can make the most of your LinkedIn profile and build a strong professional network.


Getting your LinkedIn URL is easy and helps you professionally. Start by logging into your LinkedIn account and navigating to your profile page. From there, you can find and copy your URL. Customizing your URL makes it look cleaner and more professional. It’s a small step that makes a big difference in how you present yourself online.

Sharing your LinkedIn URL is important for networking. Add it to your email signature, resume, and social media profiles. This makes it easy for employers, clients, and colleagues to find you. Keep your profile updated and engage with your connections regularly. By doing this, you’ll increase your visibility and create more opportunities for your career.